K!3-OTS get GGC-ServerID

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How to get your GGC-ServerID?
If you already own a GGC-Account and are streaming to GGC,
go direct to Point 4.)
  1. ) go to GGC @ http://www.ggc-stream.net/
    and get and setup an Account there, if you do not have one yet
  2. ) Register your Server with this Account.
  3. ) Setup your Server to Stream to the GGC-Servers.
  4. ) Get your GGC-ServerID HOW-TO-Klick here
  5. ) Enter the your GGC-ServerID in the GGC-Field in K!3-OTS
  6. ) Get your GGC-API-Key HOW-TO-Klick here
  7. ) Enter the your GGC-API-Key in the GGC-Field in K!3-OTS
  8. ) Your welcome, done and thx

    Sure, this will be a little bit of work, but you will earn a better more CheaterFree GameServer you and other player knows to honor it. We just know that.

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